From the pen of Beth Burns: Board Engagement in the time of COVID

I feel like Goldilocks every time I check in with my governance committee – Is it too much? Too little? Just right? These questions are in reference to my communication with The Friends’ Board who, like all of us, are learning to balance the simultaneous responsibilities of work, family, education, and public health in new…

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Diary of a New Foundation Employee: On Not Knowing

Come (virtually) close, my friends, I must be very honest with you. I’m not good at change. There are a great many psychological reasons for this, none of which it would be appropriate to get into now. (I was going to write “in public,” but I’m working on a memoir. Make of that what you…

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Partner Profile: Kim Horton

Kim’s professional bio is featured this month, but the more interesting story is that she fell into fascination with communications as a child when she realized that grocery stores guided your shopping by placing the milk in the back, making you wander past all manner of other things you might want to get to what…

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Diary of a New Foundation Employee: Finding a Common Language

Greetings from the Remote Work Bubble! It may seem that things are extra uncertain right now, but at the risk of getting very internet psychologist, all things are uncertain. Today it is pandemic, but tomorrow might be sudden budget cuts. Unknowns are unknowns. In times like this it helps to have a steady hand at…

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Diary of New Foundation Employee: My Library. My City.

For the last month, my colleague and I have been making the rounds to Saint Paul’s library branches. The goal of these meetings has been to pin down what sort of adult, reader/writer centered programming each branch would like to have supported by The Friends of the Saint Paul Public Library. It’s almost a no-brainer…

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Partner Profile: Tisidra Jones

Tisidra is passionate about creating systems that allow more people to thrive. As an artist, lawyer, and entrepreneur, she works at those intersections to connect with individuals and communities; design and create more holistic programs and policies; and try to expand access to economic opportunities for more people. Tisidra has studied the power of the…

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Partner Profile: James Rachlin

Did your library resolve to make a better budget this year? Each month we will feature one of our partners that make up our network of consultants. This month, we bring you James Rachlin whose knowledge of all things Budget may be just what you need. Areas of expertise: Financial ForecastingBudget Analysis James Rachlin is…

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Diary of New Foundation Employee: Relearning the Library

I grew up a Library Kid. The library was one of the first places mother-approved for a bike trip, sans parents. My mother could trust me to go, drop off my own books, pick up more, and come home ready to disappear into the new stack. I thought I knew libraries. Turns out, I was…

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