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Finding the Right Consultant for Your Library, Library Strategies Consulting Group, Library Consulting

Finding the Right Consultant

By Kim Horton | November 2, 2015 |

Hiring a good consultant isn’t exactly like hiring a new employee but there are a lot of similarities. …

Library Fundraising Board Blog, Library Strategies Consulting Group, Library Consulting

Creating a Fundraising Board

By Kim Horton | October 22, 2015 |

Have you ever noticed an organization in your community that seems to have no difficulty raising private funds?…

12 Library Fundraising Facts Blog, Library Strategies Consulting Group, Library Consulting

12 Must-Know Facts about Library Fundraising

By Kim Horton | October 17, 2015 |

From Beyond Book Sales Effective fundraising is about relationships first, money second A clear case for support and…

10 Signs for a new Strategic Plan Blog, Library Strategies Consulting Group, Library Consulting

10 Signs It’s Time for a New Strategic Plan

By Kim Horton | October 11, 2015 |

How do you know it is time for a new strategic plan? Well – duh – the obvious…

Library Lobbying, Library Strategies Consulting Group, Library Consulting

‘Lobbying’ is Not a Dirty Word

By Kim Horton | September 17, 2015 |

It seems that everyone is talking about the importance of advocating for your library, but what does that…

Managing Your Board, Library Strategies Consulting Group, Library Consulting

Keys to Managing Your Board(s)

By Kim Horton | September 14, 2015 |

Depending on your view, most public libraries are blessed or cursed with multiple boards. These may include the…