A Guide to Corporate Sponsorship

Corporate sponsorship opportunities and benefits differ greatly depending on the size and cost of the event, but there should be an incentive for any business to sponsor your event at some level.
If you are fortunate enough to have a corporate sponsor who is willing to underwrite the entire cost of the event, you can ask that sponsor if they would allow other sponsors to support the event at lower levels. This would increase your profit; however, businesses may wish to be exclusive in their sponsorship.
You can denote sponsorship levels in your promotional materials by giving names or titles to your levels, rather than specifying the financial level of sponsorship.
Here is an example of sponsorship opportunities and benefits for an author program that will cost $5,000, with a goal of making a $10,000 profit. Make sure that your corporate sponsor benefits are tangible—but also in line with your event budget.
Presenting Sponsor—$5,000
(Sponsorship at this level should cover at least 50 percent of the cost of your event.)
- Naming rights (“Your event is presented by . . . XYZ Corporation”)
- X tables/tickets for the event/preferred seating
- Copies of author’s book for sponsor’s guests
- Logo and corporate name recognition in all event advertising and publications
- Private reception with the author prior/after the event
First Edition Sponsors—$2,500
- 1 table/x tickets for the event
- X copies of the author’s book (same number as tickets given the sponsor)
- Logo and corporate name recognition in all event advertising and publications
Best-seller Sponsors—$1,000
- X tickets for the event
- Corporate name recognition in all event advertising and publications
Bookstore Sponsor—25% of Book Sales
- 2–3 tickets for the event
- Logo, corporate name recognition in all event advertising and publications, and acknowledgment that a percentage of all book sales from the event are donated to the library
Read more about how to secure sponsors for you library event!