Special Events: A Brave Idea

It is probably safe to say that libraries, Friends, and foundations around the country all have one question in common: How do we raise money for our local library? Well it’s a good one, and one we talk about in our recent book Beyond Book Sales: The Complete Guide to Raising Real Money for Your Library. About ten years ago, The Friends of the Saint Paul Public Library faced a similar problem of finding a new and exciting way to raise money that would really change the game.
Their solution? Opus & Olives (Fine Print & Fine Food), a ticketed author gala and dinner featuring a handful of writers from around the country coming together for one night to talk about their most recent book, the writing process, and how libraries helped them become writers. Opus & Olives had meager beginnings with only 400 guests. Expecting to have a loss the first year, the Friends were pleasantly surprised when the event had a $40,000 profit. With each year, interest and support increased for the event, and ultimately the Saint Paul Public Library. Every year the featured authors became more renowned, the crowd grew, and revenue rose.
This October, The Friends hosted its 11th annual event drawing over 1,100 guests and grossing over $320,000. It’s true that the revenue is great, but there’s more than money in a special event.
Other big benefits include building relationships with corporate sponsors that can spill over into other areas of your fundraising. These events literally bring individuals into your sphere – these individuals then become part of your database for other fundraising activities (annual campaigns, planned giving, capital campaigns, etc.). The other big return on investment in conducting a special event is the huge increase in the visibility of your organization. It can showcase your library, your Friends or your foundation’s accomplishments and contributions to the community.
Other libraries are catching the special event bug. The Charlotte Mecklenburg Library Foundation is sponsoring its first author gala, which has quickly sold out. Over 800 guests attended the inaugural Verse & Vino event on November 13. Their Foundation staff visited Opus & Olives last year and Sue Hall (Library Strategies Director and Opus & Olives Coordinator) worked with their staff to scope out their own big event.
Additionally, the Friends of the Brainerd Public Library (a graduate of Library Strategies’ Bremer L3 Institute) recently received the Minnesota Association of Library Friends 2014 Evy Nordley Award for “Best Project by Friends of the Library” honoring their special event Wine & Words, which will be in it’s third year in 2015. Brainerd Public Library is situated in a city of 13,500, proving that even smaller library organizations can be wildly successful with special events.
Find out more about Opus & Olives by clicking here and check out photos from the event. Click to see more about Charlotte’s Verse & Vino or Brainerd’s Wine & Words events.
Could a special event (of all types and sizes) work for you? Learn more about it by reading Chapter 15 of Beyond Book Sales: The Complete Guide to Raising Real Money for Your Library or by contacting Library Strategies. Beyond Book Sales is available through the American Library Association and written by Library Strategies.