Meet Peter Pearson

Peter Pearson is the co-founder and lead consultant with Library Strategies, and has been President of The Friends of the Saint Paul Public Library for over 20 years. Peter is recognized as a national expert on all aspects of fundraising for libraries, advocacy, and Friends and Foundations, and is highly sought after as a consultant for both libraries and library support organizations.
Peter served on the Board of Directors of Friends of Libraries USA (FOLUSA) before it merged with ALTA to become United for Libraries, and served on the Board of Directors of the merged organization since the merger in 2009. He has served on many American Library Association committees and subsections, including the Board of the Library Administration and Management Association. He has published a number of articles on advocacy, fundraising and library Friends and foundations, and has presented widely at state and national conferences. Peter was elected to the American Library Association’s Advocacy Honor Roll in 2005.